Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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The Cowboy and the Maid
Fer my hand, and I was plum
Achin' fer the shock to come.
By and by he says, " I've got
Fifty head o' cows, and not
One of 'em but, on the dead,
Is a crackin' thoroughbred.
Got a daisy claim staked out,
And I'm thinkin' it's about
Time fer me to make & shy
At a home." " O Tom! " says I.
" Bin a-lookin' round," says he,
" Quite a little while to see
'F I could git a purty face
Fer to ornament the place.
Plenty of 'em in the land;
But the one 'at wears my brand
Must be sproutin' wings to fly!"
" You deserve her, Tom," says I*
" Only one so fur," says he,
" Fills the bill, and mebbe she
Might shy off and bust my hope
If I should pitch the poppin* rope.
Mebbe she'd git hot an5 say
That it was a silly play
Askin' her to make a tie."
" She would be a fool," says I.
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